Alex Fox

Alex Fox

Hydrologic Science PhD Student

University of Wyoming


I’m a Hydrologic Science PhD candidate at the University of Wyoming working in Professor Brent Ewers’ Ecophysiology Lab. My work focuses on linking ecosystem functions like carbon cycling and water usage to ecological disturbances like fire, pathogens, and land management changes. I also enjoy working on side projects, so I’ll post about those sometimes too.


  • Watershed and eco-hydrology
  • Ecoinformatics
  • Data science
  • Bouldering, and falling off of bicycles


  • PhD candidate in Hydrologic Science (current)

    University of Wyoming

  • BA in Physics and Mathematics, 2018

    Oberlin College

Recent Posts

Installing rTREES in a virtual environment using conda

title: “Installing rTREES in a virtual environment using conda” author: Alex Fox draft: false date: 2023-05-10 tags: - Tutorials This tutorial is designed to help you run the TREES model in a “virtual environment,” a quarantine chamber for software, so that it doesn’t interfere with/get affected by your other R projects.

Working in Python with Jupyter and Anaconda

Image source: I wrote this tutorial to help people in my lab learn how to manage their python and R environments using anaconda. I’ve gotten some positive feedback on it, so hopefully you’ll find it helpful too.
Working in Python with Jupyter and Anaconda

Kernza Website

We made some social media pages for the Kernza project! Website: Instagram: @kernzawyoming

Kicking off Kernza

Back in October, my partner Hannah Rodgers and I applied for a Western SARE Professional+Producer grant under P.I. Professor Jay Norton, one of Hannah’s PhD Advisors, along with several farmers across eastern Wyoming, with the goal of evaluating the potential benefits for perennial grains in Wyoming, and hopefully adopting them as a commercial crop in the future.
Kicking off Kernza


Eddy Covariance Preprocessing Pipeline

Building a high-throughput data pipeline to process high frequency eddy covariance data from the US-CPk Ameriflux site.

Modeling Kernza Drought Response

Studying how process models can be used to predict ecological consequences of different plant physiologies, especially with respect to drought resistance and perenniality in eastern Wyoming dryland grain agriuculture.

Snowmelt Energy Budget Imbalances

Modeling the dynamics of flow activation of headwater streams and river network expansion and contraction in watersheds.

Snowmelt Energy Budget Imbalances

Studying how imbalances in the surface energy budget at mountainous eddy covariance sites can help constrain springtime ecosystem water budgets.

Recent Talks and Presentations

Oak Ridge Internship Final Presentation

Final presentation on my summer work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which looked at predicting the flow states of ephemeral headwater streams.

A High-Throughput Workflow for Exploring Eddy Covariance Data Processing Using EddyPro

AGU 2023 Poster Download the poster

Modeling Sustainability of Annual and Perennial Cropping Systems in Eastern Wyoming

I presented on my perennial grain drought response research at the 2022 Early Career Perennial Grain Researchers Workshop at the Land Institute in Salina, KS
Modeling Sustainability of Annual and Perennial Cropping Systems in Eastern Wyoming

Linking Plant-Scale Processes to Ecosystem Function: PhD Proposal Defense Seminar

I gave my PhD proposal defense seminar today! I presented on my research for the weekly University of Wyoming Botany Department seminar series. Here you’ll find a recording of my talk as well as a link to my slides.

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Black hole spin axis in numerical relativity
