I gave my PhD proposal defense seminar today! I presented on my research for the weekly University of Wyoming Botany Department seminar series. Here you’ll find a recording of my talk as well as a link to my slides.
The Ewers lab group gave a seminar to the UW botany department. See the slides here
I’m building a high-throughput data pipeline to process data from the US-CPk Ameriflux site.
This is part of my PhD research.
This page is incomplete. More to come later.
I’m studying how process models can be used to predict ecological consequences of different plant physiologies, especially with respect to drought resistance and perenniality. in eastern Wyoming dryland grain agriuculture.
I’m studying how snowmelt energy budgets can be used to constrain uncertainty in surface energy flux measurements at Rocky Mountain Ameriflux sites.
This is part of my PhD research.
This page is incomplete.
I presented a poster on recent developments and projects at Rocky Mountain Ameriflux sites at the 2022 Ameriflux Annual Meeting
Download the poster
We made some social media pages for the Kernza project!
Website: kernzawyoming.org
Instagram: @kernzawyoming
Back in October, my partner Hannah Rodgers and I applied for a Western SARE Professional+Producer grant under P.I. Professor Jay Norton, one of Hannah’s PhD Advisors, along with several farmers across eastern Wyoming, with the goal of evaluating the potential benefits for perennial grains in Wyoming, and hopefully adopting them as a commercial crop in the future.